Thursday, October 4, 2012

ABBA Museum to open in Stockholm

While watching the morning coverage of last nights Presidential debates I was half asleep with my cinnamon toast stuck to my chin when I noticed the scroll at the bottom of the screen. It said there will be a museum devoted to ABBA that would be opening in Stockholm next year. WHHHAAAATTT??!!! OK, so that was as good as a jolt of espresso to wake me up! They promise costumes (LOVE) and holograms (WEIRD) but I'm still going to say I Do I Do I Do I Do I DOOOO to an ABBA Museum! Here is the full article if you're interested. If you're not interested you must do yourself a favor and run out this minute and buy ABBA GOLD. It will bring sunshine and happiness into your life. I Promise.

I know everyone and their brother loves Dancing Queen but it's not high on my list of favorites. Maybe I've just heard it one too many times so I'm sharing with you one of my favorites. Plus I love that Frida and Agnetha look like they could cut a bitch in the video!


  1. Voulez vous....ah ha.....take it now or leave it.... Might I add that the author of this blog post does a crazy good dance routine with her sister to this song. Also, let the record show that we have never once taken a dance class so the choreography is purely inspiration.

    1. I'm going to have voulez vous stuck in my head the rest of the day!


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